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Not that Karl and Olivia weren’t excellent company, but they weren’t the kind of company he’s been craving recently. However, he found himself wanting company recently. Nathaniel Buttons had spent much of his time alone. They had to make them kiss in the last episode so the viewers would know Inuyasha is actually in love with Kagome because they removed all the other times he talked about his feelings with her :') They couldn't keep butchering their relationship at that point or the ending wouldn't make any sense, lol.

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I feel the same way about how they handled inukag. We can see with HNY that they are back on their bullshit now that they don't have a manga to follow, lol. "Since Sunrise didn’t have a lot of wiggle room to butcher his character in the compressed episodes" anon this is brutal but you're absolutely right 💀 This is most likely the only reason why Inuyasha's characterization is better in TFA. I had no idea anime-only viewers felt that way but I totally see why! I remember anime-only fans saying Inuyasha seemed so much more mellow and mature while the Final Act was airing and I was like, “because he’s more like his manga self.” Since Sunrise didn’t have a lot of wiggle room to butcher his character in the compressed episodes, they had to follow his manga characterization in the Final Act. The differences between manga Inuyasha and anime Inuyasha became so much more pronounced when the Final Act started airing.

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