I just had so much fun with my solo band. In fact, I write in my book, in the first chapter, about standing on stage at the Albert Hall and the atmosphere not being great and the truth is I can’t remember it ever being amazing, compared to my solo band, for example, where there was always this feeling of joy. I mean, to be honest, the relationship between the band members has always been a little bit… ‘frosty’ is probably not the right word… but we’re very different as people.

What were relationships like with Richard Barbieri and Gavin Harrison? Did you need any ‘clear the air’ talks?

And I think the longer it went on, the more we felt that if we were going to come back, it had to be something really, really strong, and as good as anything we’d done. But in fact, as we see, we we’ve been working on this material for the best part of 10 years. Obviously, that led credence to the the misconception that people probably had, that we just stopped making music together as a team. When you’re out promoting something you’ve just spent the best part of a year, or two years, of your life pouring your heart and soul into and somebody starts off the interview with: “So when are Porcupine Tree getting back together?”, quite often I would be fairly dismissive, and I’d say “forget it, the band’s finished”, you know, more out of frustration than anything else. In fact, I did plenty to fuel that particular misconception myself because I’ve made five solo albums in the time is taken Porcupine Tree to make one album. Steven Wilson: Yeah, obviously, we kept it quiet that we were working on this material, so a lot of people did conclude that we had probably finished. On the eve of Closure/Continuation, the band’s first studio album in over 12 years, Steven Wilson talks to SDE about the once prickly subject of Porcupine Tree’s return… SDE: It seems that Porcupine Tree weren’t ‘finished’? It was more like a hiatus? After 10 studio albums between 19, “the most important band you’d never heard of” appeared to call it a day after a gig at London’s Royal Albert Hall, in 2010. Philippians 3:10 - I want to know Christ-yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death.Porcupine Tree was initially an early ’90s solo project for musician and songwriter Steven Wilson, before emerging as a proper band whose sound evolved from psychedelic/experimental rock to a more progressive rock direction.Hebrews 9:22 - In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.Revelation 7:14 - And he said, "These are they who have come out of the great tribulation they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.Revelation 12:11 - They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb.There’s power in the blood, power in the blood There Is Power in the Blood Guitar Chords Would you live daily His praises to sing? Would you do service for Jesus your King? Sin stains are lost in its life giving flow. Would you be whiter, much whiter than snow?
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